Waste Hauler Responsibilities and Standards

A. Purpose

To establish minimum service requirements for solid waste, recycling, and yard debris collection.

B. Scope 

Pursuant to Section 6.08.020 of Hillsboro Municipal Code (HMC) these Responsibilities and Standards (Standards) apply to all Collection and Drop Box Franchisees authorized to operate within the incorporated area of the City of Hillsboro.

C. Goal

To provide City of Hillsboro residents and businesses safe and efficient recycling, yard debris, food waste, and solid waste collection services.

D. Effect 

These Standards are designed to:

  • Provide efficient collection service.
  • Increase customer access to the benefits of recycling and waste reduction, thereby reducing costs to the customer.
  • Ensure a fair return to the franchisee.
  • Increase the operational life of local landfills.
  • Reduce negative impacts on the environment including waste, pollution, energy, and other impacts.

E. Franchise Requirements

Each Collection and Drop Box Franchisee shall:

1. General
2. Residential Service
3. Commercial and Multi-family Service
4. Vehicle Standards
5. Customer Service
6. Customer Education and Promotion

F. Operational Efficiency Targets 

The City may, at its discretion, as part of the annual rate review process, create performance benchmarks in order to measure, track and improve the operational and cost efficiency of the franchisees.