
Traffic signals help pedestrians, bicyclists, and drivers know whose turn it is to travel through busy roadway intersections and warn drivers when a pedestrian wants to cross. 

Signals in Hillsboro include: 

  • Traffic
  • Pedestrian Walk/Don't Walk signals
  • Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFB)

The Public Works Department Transportation Division maintains and repairs City-owned signals and traffic detection systems. We also set traffic and pedestrian signal timing.

A Public Works employee uses a bucket truck to maintain a traffic signal

Some City traffic signals have cameras and video detection systems to alert the signal that a vehicle is waiting. The cameras mounted above our signals do not record video.

Maintenance Responsibility

A signal at an intersection is maintained by the government agency that maintains the intersecting roadways. 

View the Roadway Jurisdiction Map to see which roadways in Hillsboro are maintained by the City, County, State, or by a private owner.

  • The City of Hillsboro maintains the signals at intersections where two city streets or a city street and a private street intersect
  • The State maintains the signals at intersections where a State road intersects a County, City, or private road. 
  • The County maintains the signals at intersections where a County road intersects a City or private road.
Intelligent Transportation Systems
Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons
Flashing Yellow Arrows

Safety Information

Find more information on crosswalks, pedestrian safety, and neighborhood traffic.