City of Hillsboro, OR
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New to the System? It is helpful to read through the helpful, step-by-step instructions that have been provided. If at any point you need training on how to use the system, we are happy to provide training.
Single Page Files: All drawing files shall be single page files. No multi-page drawing files will be accepted.
Correct File Orientation: Drawing and document files need to be uploaded in the correct orientation.
File Naming Standard: Please follow our file naming standard.
Revised Sheets: All revised sheets that are uploaded must be named the same as the original file to allow for versioning. If you need help with this, please ask.
Revisions: Ensure that all revisions are clouded and include a narrative of what those changes are.
Respond to Plan Review Comments: Plan Review comments can come in two ways:
- Changemark – which is a page specific correction.
- Checklist Item – general information that could be information-only or require a correction.
Both of these correction items will require a response from the Applicant on how the item was corrected. This is similar to narrative response but comes in the electronic form which opens when accepting the task. Please ask if you have any questions.
Drawing Scale: A scale bar is required on all drawings.
Drawing Layers: Clean and purge all extraneous layers from the drawings.
Updating Team Members: A project team member can be removed or added from the system when the City is notified.
Land Use Approval: Land Use Approval (Notice of Decision requirement) documents must be submitted with your Engineering and Building submittal. When submitting your Notice of Decision, please make sure to include the response on how each item was addressed.
File Name Limits: Please limit the number of characters in the file name to 35 characters or less, no special characters please, and abbreviations are okay.
Automatic Sign Outs: The system will time automatically sign you out after 120 minutes of inactivity. Please save and save often!